Sunday, February 12, 2017

5 Kitchen Hacks That will Save you 5 Hours a Week

So today's post will be about time saving tips that I've gathered over the last few years of cooking meals for my family. These are my favorite 5 "life hacks" for the kitchen. I hope you get as much use out of them as I have!

Here is the list of my 5 favorite kitchen hacks:

Onions without Tears

If you're planning on cooking your onions, put them in the freezer before chopping them. Seriously! The onions won't burn your eyes this way and you'll thank me with bright, white eyes!

Crystal Clear Ice Cubes

Having a party? Want perfect crystal clear ice cubes that will having your  guest wondering if you're Tom Cruise in the movie "Cocktail"? Boil the water first... The result is no air bubbles in the ice cubes

Use Dental Floss To Cut a Cake

It makes perfect cuts! Every time. Just don't use the mint kind... Unless it's a mint cake!

Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs

Use a thumbtack to put a tiny hole in the end of the egg. Boil the egg as usual, then be amazed at how easy it is to peel!

Prevent a pot from boiling over

Place a wooden spoon across the top of the pot. It'll pop the bubbles as they rise to the top and keep the pot from boiling over. Pretty slick huh?

Well there you have it, my top 5 kitchen related life hacks. I hope you've learned something and if you want more tips where these came from, stay tuned... Lots of great material is coming your way!

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